Friday 7 December 2012

所以 , 你不喜欢我 , 这很正常

我知道我很条件差 , 怕困难怕失败 , 爱挑剔任性骄傲脸臭讲话难听又爱哭 

可是这就是我啊 , 朋友不多 , 脾气时好时坏 , 固执神经质又敏感 

不会扯话题还对人忽冷忽热 , 被


所以 , 你不喜欢我 , 这很正常 :))

每次很想你的时候都很想去找你谈天 , 可是我知道你不会回复我了

就算会回复 , 也一定很敷衍 , 因为我知道我很烦 , 真的很烦........
所以 , 你不喜欢我 , 这很正常 :))

明明自己心里有很多话要对你说 , 可是却不知道要怎样表达。
我始终不知道为什么我无法忘记那些回忆 , 无法忘记那些感觉

我可以因为爱 , 所以会很在乎 , 有时还会超乎想象地在乎
所以 , 你不喜欢我 , 这很正常 :))

我没有很好的脾气 , 总是学不会怎样宽容你

我很敏感 , 有时会因为你的一句话而不开心一整天

我很会吃醋 , 看到你每次和其他女生玩得很开心 , 站得很近我就会吃醋+生气
所以 , 你不喜欢我 , 这很正常 :))

每次看你上线 , 我真的很想找你谈天

我很想知道你在做什么 , 想什么

很想像其他女生一样可以跟你很好 , 可以好好地谈天;

每次一股起勇气 , 要找你谈天的时候 ,

会想很久要怎样跟你聊天你才会回复我 , 打了出来可是最后还是会把荧幕上的全都删除掉 ,

再好好地想要跟你聊什么 , 又删 , 又打 , 又删 , 又打地重复了这个动作很久....

到最后还是死了心 , 把聊天室关了
所以 , 你不喜欢我 , 这很正常 :))

我是一个很普通的女生 , 我要的东西都很简单 , 我只要你给我多一个挽回这段感情的机会 , 

也许 , 对你来说很难....可是我会继续等

Saturday 1 December 2012

#Centro Neway

今天跟了整班姐妹一起去Neway cheong K, 开心又满足的一天 ♥

jinnee , minjia , jesmy , shuen ying , xiiao ern , xiiao san  


关于明年的事情,我已经打算了,妈咪之前跟我讲过如果不想读了就去台湾,我真的也已经没有心情留在光华了,朋友大多数都走了,校长又酱狗,明年的书又酱难读,想到都觉得我在浪费时间~ 今天问了依珊,她也想跟我去,可是要去问她妈咪先,多一个伴跟我一起去那边,想到都很开心,也不会寂寞 : DD 我什么都不想,只希望一切顺顺利利地进行,希望能找到一间让我满意的学校,也换一个我想要的新环境~ 离开,我觉得是好事,我要学会独立,不要靠父母,在国外自己成长 ;我想放下一切,放下他,这次我是认真的,我想认真完成我的梦想,我要完全放下他,一心一意去对待下一个他,我不想再伤害自己了,希望我的决定是对的! ♥ 加油杨荃盈~

Sunday 11 November 2012

2012 END

以后有空记得要多回来学校找我 ;(

只能说,我们几个都很后悔去了那边 ,
最后一个礼拜我们竟然没有留在学校玩,还跑去参别人班去历史古迹,WTF! -.-


你说:我真的很后悔,为什么我会变成酱.好啦~我从现在开始>>> 我要做回以前的我!!!
我开心,因为你肯改变,做回以前的那个你 ;)

遇见你,我从来不知道是对还是错,可是遇见你,我开心过 ;D


那天你喝醉酒过后,去到CC comment我的status,你说:





看了你写的这些话,眼泪一直不停地留下来,不知道是要开心还是伤心,可是看了真的很感动~ 我很希望你所说的都是真心话,却又很怕那些都是醉话,

Ah Pua, 我现在在这边很真心地跟你说:

我不是你的女朋友,已经没有资格再去关心你了,不要忘记你自己有酒膜,不能喝酒就不要硬撑,身体发痒自己会很辛苦的 ;(


Sunday 26 August 2012

#Trip #France #Belgium #Netherlands

Hey guys...Today just come back from Europe...went there travel with my family for one week(8days 5nights)...nice trip! ♥

Day one ♥
Kuala Lumpur>> Paris
Your Europe experience starts with a pleasant flight to Paris from KLIA.

Day 2 ♥
Upon arrival,a leisurely drive to the city of lights-Paris,capital city of the fashion world.Made a stop at the Eiffel Tower,the first building constructed completely of steel and is also the symbol of Paros itself where we have the opportunity elevate to 2nd level,for a breathtaking panoramic view.Photo stop at Arc de Triomphe,a monument to commemorates victories od the Emperor Napoleon.Drive along Champs Elyees,the avenue of paradise,which signifies peace and is one of the largest squares in the world,the highly literate Opera House.Afternoon enjoy a romance River Seine cruise,cruising along the River Seine for the historical sites and various landmarks.

-arrive Paris's airport

Day 3 ♥
Paris-Palace of Versailes
After breakfast,start your half day tour to the Palace of Versailes.Which has been on UNESCO's World Heritage List for 30years,is one of the most beautiful achievements of 18th century French art.After,transfer back to Paris Lafayette mall for shopping.

Day 4 ♥
This morning,we will leave Paris to Bruges ''The Venice of the North''.Upon arrival a short walk through the shopping street of Bruges to the Market Square.In this Square you will see the Belfry and also the old town hall.Continue your walk ti the church of the Holy Blood.After lunch,we depart for Brussels,the capital of Belgium.We make a brief stop at the Atomium,a structure of an atom magnified 165 billions times its actual size.Visit the Gothic style Grand Place which surrounded by golf-gilded gables,a remarkable City Hall,Market Square and say ''Hello''to the child hero-Manneken Pis.

hmmm....what are we doing? =.=

Day 5 ♥
Amsterdam~Zaanse Schans~Volendam
Proceed to visit Zaanse Schans which is a delightful village on the banks of the river Zaan.It is an open air museum and enchanting village to see windmills.Experience the traditional cheese and wooden clogs making.In the afternoon,continue our tour to Volendam,a typical Dutch village with its charming wooden houses with locals wearing their colourful Dutch traditional dresses.Then stroll along Amsterdam's renowned red-light district near Dam Square.

 draw this for her girlfriend #Kylie

special edition-Red Light District (红灯区)=v=

she's a prostitute... hey~~sexy lady! ♥

Day 6 ♥
After breakfast,continue our journey to Amsterdam.On arrival,visit a major Diamond Center to appreciate how a rough mineral is transformed into a sparkling jewel and embark on a glas roofed boat for a cruise along the canal in Amsterdam.Then stroll along Amsterdam's renowned red-light district situated near Dam Square.

Day 7 ♥
Amsterdam>>Kuala Lumpur
After breakfast,free at leisure until transfer to Amsterdam Airport for our departure flight home.

Day 8 ♥
Arrive Kuala Lumpur(at 6.00am)
Arrive home,bringing with our souvenirs and sweet memories of Europe tour.

Hari Raya's trip to Europe ends :D hope you enjoy all these photos ♥